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A great flag tells a great story.

Since antiquity, we have been united and inspired by flags. On every continent, in every culture, flags have given us the courage for battle and
the determination to accomplish the impossible. We draw strength from our flags. In times of trouble they comfort us and give us hope.


Not long after he was elected, former Mayor Naheed Nenshi challenged all Calgarians to work together and proactively take initiatives to make the city better. For our initiative, we offer the city a new flag, rooted in our city’s unique geography and history. A banner of optimism, in a time of uncertainty.

We propose this with respect, recognizing that Calgary has an official flag. And if that flag was a source of pride and motivation to Calgarians, we would not suggest that it be replaced. But in over three decades, the design has not taken hold in the imagination of our citizens.

It’s time for a flag that works.

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